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Swaps to Soda Pops

It’s time to say peace out pop! Truthfully, even the smallest improvements go a long way. Eliminating just one sugary drink a day can decrease your risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 25 percent! (Diabetologia, 2015)

Soda consumption is linked to an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes. Rising rates of obesity are also correlated with soda consumption. In fact, published research suggests that drinking soda triggers our sweet tooth cravings by dulling our sensitivity to sweets (2011 University of Bangor and Bristol). Of course the last thing we want is to be in a detrimental cycle of craving sweets and sodas. It appears that even diet soda has this effect! Diet soda intake is directly related to abdominal obesity in adults over the age of 65 (Journal of American Geriatrics Society).

Let’s talk SWAPS to those SODA POPS!

OPTION ONE: So maybe you crave those sugary sodas and aren’t ready to give them up? One of the best ways to cut out soda and that unfortunate glucose and insulin spike that occurs immediately after consuming it, is to spruce up water with natural flavoring. Try adding slices of seasonal fruits and veggies- strawberries, watermelon, oranges, cucumber, or mint – to a glass of ice-cold water. A healthy, low cal, low carb soda alternate. Of course it is always going to be most healthy if you infuse the water on your own but in case you're in a time crunch I will provide you with what I believe are the best options you could get from a grocery store.

OPTION TWO: But what if you’re a little too attached to the bubbly carbonation? Indulge in a healthier version with lemon, lime and a tad amount of natural sweetener. Take a few slices of lemon or lime (or both!) and toss them into a glass of sparkling or seltzer water. Lastly, add a few drops of stevia sweetener (organic sweetener) for the natural, healthy way to curb the carbonation craving. If buying seltzer and mixing up your own healthy drink sounds too inconvenient (hey, I hear ya) try out these products:

OPTION THREE: And if you thrive on the caffeine from your soda beverage? Perhaps the best solution of all is to try out products like Matcha, Zevia, or Avitae. Matcha gives you increased energy from natural sources of caffeine. Zevia and Avitae contain stevia which has no effect on blood sugar levels. Sure sounds a lot better than that brown, synthetic caffeine syrup found in soda, right? As an added bonus, matcha and a few other caffeinated health drinks out there also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Get the most out of your soda alternate!

Stop letting soda hold you back from your hard-earned results! Try out these healthier options and let me know if you have any soda alternatives that I haven't included on the list.

Sweat and smile,

Coach Aaron

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