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Best Workout Music for Any Form of Fitness

Let me start by saying I have gone through over 15 pairs of headphones in the last two years. Why? Mostly because my sweat breaks every single pair (even the ones that say “SWEATPROOF” in huge letters all over it) BUT also because working out without music is like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly. Disgusting. I had a good friend ask what I recommend jamming out to when I get my sweat on so here ya have it!

Music is naturally energetic and engaging. Going to the beat makes it seemingly much easier to hit all those fitness goals whether it’s in the gym, on the track, or during a home workout. That gym bag should contain your headphones and your music device (smartphone, mp3, or heck even using an 80’s Walkman is better than a workout without music). There are many studies that suggest listening to music while you workout directly improves performance. The powerful emotions of music can boost endurance and engaging repetitive beats can cause you to lift those heavy weights in rhythm. Even science is telling you to pop those headphones in to GET PUMPED!

My marathon training music is quite different from my gym/strength training music. Feel free to scroll through the Spotify playlists to get some music ideas that will help to get you jamming in the gym.

My Marathon Playlist contains a lot of cardio greatness but WARNING: I am also into the motivational speech stuff where people are yelling things like “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! YOU ARE NOT A SHEEP. YOU ARE A LION!”… yeah weird, I know, but somehow it totally inspires me to pick up my pace. Haha so if that’s not your thang then just scroll past those tracks ;)

I also REALLY like this Spotify playlist for cardio workouts:

GYM JAMS. My gym playlist is quite different from my marathon one. Confession: I do like some rap music for my gym workouts but not as much as I like rocking out to Hillary Duff. Yes, I know it’s weird I listen to chick music when I lift weights, but hey somehow I’m benching more weight when I got Hillary telling me to Wake Up. My gym playlist also contains songs with a heavy base to help me bring that aggression to gym floor for strength training. Check out my two favorite gym playlists:

Let me know your favorite workout songs- I am always adding to my playlists to stay amped all workout long.

Sweat and smile,

Coach Aaron

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